

Football is a beautiful game cherished by millions of fans around the world. Undoubtedly, the English Premier League (EPL) is the most popular and competitive football league globally, and it has been accompanied by an assortment of quality music over its 28-year history.

The History of Premiership Music

The use of music in the English Premier League started in the 1990s, where the Instinct Records released the Premier League - The Album. Despite facing criticism initially, the league decided to use music as a means of enhancing fan experience and building brand identity. Since then, several artists have recorded songs to reflect the league's mood and energy.

Notable EPL Theme Songs

One of the league's most famous theme songs is "Thy Will be done" by Bono and Wyclef. The song was used in the EPL opening sequence from the 2002/2003 season through to the 2003/2004 season. Another notable song is Fatboy Slim's "Right Here, Right Now," which was used for the 2001/2002 season opening. The song features a chant of "It's a beautiful day" at the climax which epitomized the feelings attributed to matchday mornings in England.

Club Themes

Alongside league songs, several EPL clubs also have their theme music. Liverpool's YNWA (You'll Never Walk Alone) is a song that has become synonymous with the club, and the fans sing it passionately before every game. Manchester United's "This is the One" by the Stone Roses and Manchester City's "Blue Moon" are other notable club themes in the league.


In-Game Music

Music is not only used before and after games but also during games as well. Stadiums play upbeat music to pump up the fans and players during breaks in play. Additionally, the EPL utilizes video displays to sync songs and chants to highlight memorable moments during games, such as a goal or a great save.

The Future of EPL Music

The use of music in EPL has evolved over time, and it is expected to continue doing so. Music has proven to be an effective tool for enhancing fan experience, and more artists are expressing interest in being associated with the league. Additionally, the league has shown a willingness to embrace music, and it is expected that this trend will continue in the future.


Music has become an integral part of the English Premier League experience, and it has accompanied some unforgettable moments in the league's history. The league's use of music has been innovative, and it has enhanced the fan experience, creating an even stronger connection between the fans and their clubs. The future of EPL music is promising, and we can only wait to see what surprises are in store.


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